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Is Diplomacy dead?

Post Views: 1,946 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said it is time to rekindle diplomatic efforts to end the war in Ukraine. But both foreign and domestic...

Hamas, Wearing Out Its Welcome

Post Views: 8,061 London, Toronto (28/10 – 20) Ask any police officer which of his or her duties are the most undesirable, dangerous, difficult and unrewarding...

Russia at War: Bakhmut still holds

Post Views: 4,407 London, Brussels (14/2 – 17) Pu·to·ni·a /ˈpo͞otəˈnēə/ Pu·to·ni·an /ˈpo͞otəˈnēyən/ (Noun: A state of dictatorship under the self...

Ukraine: Why We Will Win!

Post Views: 4,218 This is our home, our land. Kyiv, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Washington (28/7 – 40).     Speaking to The Economist in...
