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Layout A (one post)

Ukrainians prepare new brigades for renewed attack

Kiev (20 July – 85.17) Battles are expected to be fierce. Contacts in Brussels speak of preparation of a renewed push of the Ukrainian forces to push the Russian occupation force out of Ukrainian territory. Considerable resources are brought upon to decide the battle.  “Troops are pouring...

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Layout A2

Layout A2 (combined with B)

Layout A3

Kiev (20 July – 85.17) Battles are expected to be fierce. Contacts in Brussels speak of preparation of a renewed push of the Ukrainian forces to push the Russian occupation force out of Ukrainian territory. Considerable resources are brought upon to...

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Kyiv (8/07 – 62.5) Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv was hit in renewed strikes by Russian terror attacks with rockets against Ukrainian targets. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said at least 41 civilians dead, seven of them children, and many...

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Layout A (with pagination)

Ukrainians prepare new brigades for renewed attack

Kiev (20 July – 85.17) Battles are expected to be fierce. Contacts in Brussels speak of preparation of a renewed push of the Ukrainian forces to push the Russian occupation force out of Ukrainian territory. Considerable resources are brought upon to decide the battle.  “Troops are pouring...

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FBI: The shooting was an assassination attempt against Trump

Frankfurt, Paris (14/7 – 23) United States presidential candidate Donald Trump was shot while giving a speech in Pennsylvania, on Saturday (13/7) local time. Trump’s speech to his supporters in Butler City about illegal migration. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and Trump immediately...

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Russia Bomb Kids’ Hospital in Kyiv, Massive Casualties

Kyiv (8/07 – 62.5) Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv was hit in renewed strikes by Russian terror attacks with rockets against Ukrainian targets. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said at least 41 civilians dead, seven of them children, and many others were injured. Search parties...

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One must not take Trump at his word, says Juncker

Budapest (5/7 – 11.11) Former European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker defended U.S. President Joe Biden after his disastrous debate performance last week and warned of his rival Donald Trump’s “incomplete mind and flawed reasoning,” in an interview with Brussels Playbook. Juncker...

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