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The Pamiris are forced to leave Tajikistan

Post Views: 376 London (07/11 – 71) For ten years now, the authorities of Tajikistan have been engaged in forced assimilation of the ethnic Pamiri people...

What is to be done with Gaza

Post Views: 255 Toronto, Frankfurt (2/11 – 42) World media are jumping all over the conflagration in Gaza following the 7 October attack, killing 1400 Israelis...

Hamas and their Human Meat Shields

Post Views: 401 London, Dublin (1/11 – 66) Hamas is sheltered in a sea of civilians. Ostensibly a Palestinian political and military organization established...

Hamas, Wearing Out Its Welcome

Post Views: 261 London, Toronto (28/10 – 20) Ask any police officer which of his or her duties are the most undesirable, dangerous, difficult and unrewarding...
